Well we are back from the Baby show which was a huge success! I was told Friday was one of the less busier days but it provided a good insight to how Saturday ( the busiest day) would go.
Not just mums or mums to be signed up to receive the latest flexible opportunities from home. But dads, sister, uncles, aunties and grandparents too. I was luckily enough to have Phoenix Trader Louise Bell and her colleague Alex pop along from Milton Keynes to lend a hand on the stand on Sunday. At one point all of us including my team were speaking to keen mums looking for work opportunities.
We received amazing feedback with mums making a beeline to see us first! Lots of interest for franchise opportunities as many mums to be were made redundant during their pregnancy. At least 90% of mums didn't want to go back to work. And others were expected to work ridiculous hours, when they returned from maternity leave.
We now have a huge database of emails and addresses to work through and post the latest opportunities. Plus more exciting jobs from keen employers who saw us at the show.